"The Recipe for Yellow" is a contemporary fiction novel by debut author Stephanie Bruno. The story follows 35 year old protagonist Pia, as she copes with the complexities of life, death, and never leaving your childhood home. Four generations of women living under the same roof sets this book up for moments of laughter, vulnerability, innocence, and deep reflection as we watch these characters' minds and lives change with the seasons.
When Stephanie came to me with this manuscript, I could tell that it was written with love. However, the story needed some rewiring, redirecting, and a lot of technical edits. Pia felt too young, there were gaps in the story that left me with questions about the characters' pasts, and potential futures. The tense changed from past to present every other sentence. While the first draft oozed potential, we had a lot of work to do.
During my developmental edits, I paid close attention to character development. I quickly realized that Pia needed help, like professional help. I suggested that Stephanie weave in a new storyline, where Pia goes to therapy. This gave her character a vehicle in which she could move forward and grow, making us as the readers root for her. After 2 rounds of edits and revisions we got the story to a place that felt whole and ready to be shared with the world.